Robin Redbreast

Robin Redbreast
Birds can represent the fluttering, darting thoughts of intuition. This is why little birds helped Cinderella help herself.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Cinderella #354 From Cinderella to CEO

Cinderella #354 From Cinderella to CEO
Grimm's Fairy Tales
Follett Publishing Company
Once upon a time, there was a woman named Cary J. Broussard. She co-wrote a book with Anita Bell, giving tips for successful businesswomen using fairy tale metaphors. She worked her own way up the professional ladder, eventually finding "a way to turn one fairy tale into reality." It was in 1995 when Broussard "developed Women On Their Way (WOTW) for Wyndham International Hotel Company." Targeting women business travelers, WOTW was a first in the hospitality industry. In "a partnership formed with major women's organizations" that mentor women's careers, Broussard encountered many difficulties in making that program such a success, but she did accomplish her goals.  The contemporary woman in business "get picked apart and put down, cast out and lost in the woods, but they still survive and excel." Every woman can benefit from reading fairy tales, IF she understands how to follow the heroine's lead. From Cinderella To Ceo gives you the confidence" to pursue your dreams, say Broussard and Bell. Here is what they have to say about our friend, Cinderella:" Picture Yourself at the Palace and Find a Fairy Godmentor" ! In practical terms this means behaving "as if you belong at the ball" always being mindful to "display the best qualities of a CEO, wherever you are in the hierarchy." You've got to keep yourself motivated by taking "inspiration from real-life Cinderella stories" and polish up those daydreams. By visualizing the nitty gritty details of how you'd like your ideal job to roll, (i.e. your rise to the princess with everything) and picturing "yourself at the palace", you can make it happen. Get a mentor. A "fairy godmentor"!The way to do this is to be worthy of mentoring, so nurturing relationships with people who can help you will pay off. And that is a kind of magic in itself. Magic circles, those ancient symbols of power and protection are invoked here.The Greek word "omphalos", meaning the navel of the world. This is physically said to be located in Greece. The term also can be used metaphorically, meaning the center of everything. If a woman is mentored and becomes a success, she should draw a magic circle around herself and invite young women into this space of power. Finally, be true to Cinderella. As that fair maiden did not let her foul circumstances sour her outlook on life, so must we "never diminish [ourselves] by seeking revenge." A princess never lowers her head; nor must we to look down on others or dwell in the past. 
From: Broussard, C.J. & Bell, A. (2005) From Cinderella to CEO: How to Master the 10 Lessons  of Fairy Tales to Transform Your Work Life. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Notes; I like this book. I like it very much!