Chinye, an African Cinderella |
Map of Africa traced and colored with crayons, then watercolor washed with blue. By Clare and Olivia, 2010. |
Bloody monster, by Ashley. Paper bag, popsicle sticks, tempera paint. 2010. |
Beautiful princess by Mia, 2010. |
Felt girl by Clare, 2009. |
Ballpoint pen and printer paper. Kiana, 2010. |
Tracing of geometric steel insets. Note that squares, rectangles and triangles used include the frame as well as the insets. Tyree and Clare, 2010. |
Part of a list of 100 things they were thankful for. Grace, Tyree, Maile, Olivia, Amelia, 2008. |
Backdrop for Greek skit of Artemis, written by Clare, Tyree, Jessica, Maile, and Olivia, Spring 2010. Painting by Maile. |